Sunday, January 14, 2007

Chapter 1:
A. Statement of purpose
This essay explores questions about/that centre on the nature/ground of being. While not agreeing wholly with Socrates that “the unexamined life is not worth living”since what constitutes examination might be identical with different people,and certainly might not be identical with the dialectical reasoning/ratiocination that Socrates worked with,we need to enquire/humans need to enquire into th grounds of what constitutes our sense of relaitry,/the grpounds/foundations opf wehat constitutes oyur rrelaity/our unbderstandiung of relasity as abasis for a frlexive exploreation of our eioxstence.Sucxh an exploration mcan be carried out susing the methods of various dsicplines and this particular enquiry intends to carry out that exploration through the convergence of avruous discplinary enquiries in trelation to responses to l;andscape.

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